LBLOD – Local Governments & Linked Open Data
What is LBLOD
Local Decisions as Linked Open Data (LBLOD) is a program. It includes all ABB projects on linked data and local decision making.
Linked data is a digital method of structuring and publishing information so that people and (search) machines can consult it on the internet.
To ensure that this information can be made publicly available in an open and linked way, the parties in the ecosystem have devised various solutions and developed applications for them.
The Goal of LBLOD
Local decisions contain valuable authentic data for everyone.
As a citizen, I want to know when my street is inaccessible because of works.
As an entrepreneur, I want to know what obligations I have to fulfil.
As an association, I want to know if I can get subsidies, and how much.
As a member of civil society, I want to know how local authorities shape their cultural policy.
By publishing the data in local decisions as linked open data, organisations can reuse that data more easily. Linked data is standardised, making it easy for machines to find and process it. Anyone can work with the information in the local acts thanks to LBLOD.
A concrete example: agencies and departments of the Flemish government can themselves extract the information they need from the published decrees. Local authorities do not have to send or deliver this information every time.
English subtitles available in the player!
Linked Open Data as a spine for the products and services for ABB
The products and services at ABB are based on Linked Open Data. Public data, not privacy-sensitive data, are collected and shared in such a way that people within and outside of the government can use, reuse and enrich.
What is linked open data?
For humans
For application building humans
Last updated