General technical overview

Welcome to the general technical overview.

The purpose of this section is to help new collaborators get started more efficiently and while experiencing less stress. It serves as a technical 'start here' guide and it provides links to other, more detailed, documentation. We hope that this guide will allow new hires to start developing applications for ABB quicker. It's very important to understand the contents of the tickets.

These docs are meant for several types of collaborators:

  • Developers: New developers need to learn the structure they are getting into: technically and organizationally. In this case it's of crucial importance to maintain a correct nomological structure (conceptual landscape) in mind and this guide should help build that.

  • Analysts and PM's: In order to reason about ABB's applications and services new analysts and PM's need to understand the major organs that animate the bodies of our applications without going too deep into the microbiology of them. These readers will benefit particularly from the introduction section of this guide and are encouraged read the other sections out of personal interest.

These docs do NOT contain information concerning the following topics:

  • Organigram of ABB (you should know which people to ask)

  • Procedures for JIRA (ABB's issue tracking system of choice)

  • Procedures for software release management and testing

  • SCRUM related information (sprints, epics, growth spurts, issue types, ...)

  • ABB specific and recurring meetups (central planning day, BRM, Retrospective, standups, ...)

If you're interested in these topics you'll have to look at other sections in GitBook. These guides are meant to be (high level) technical. Please have fun reading them. Make sure not to follow too many links on your first read through because you'll get a terminal case of 'TMI' (Too much information). My recommendation is to read the docs once without following links and then doing another pass. During the second pass you can follow links concerning subjects your are particularly interested in.

If you've got any suggestions or comments please contact Mr. Dries Beheydt. The mu-semtech architecture was developed by Redpencil. The author of these guides is Dennis Van Eecke which can also be contacted using Rocket Chat.

These are the major sections of the guide:

Now let's get to the business of how to make ABB apps shall we?

Last updated