Terminologies (in progress)


Secretarial staff / Medewerkers van de secretarie Perform administrative work for the public organisation, such as the municipality or public social welfare center.

General Manager / Algemeen directeur The general manager is responsible for the general and coordinating management of the services of the municipality and of the public center for social welfare. The general director, together with his staff, realizes the decreed and legally prescribed tasks and policy objectives.


Agenda item in draft / draft decision / Agendapunt in concept / ontwerpbesluit A draft (possibly to be added to or modified) of the resolution that would result from this agenda item.

Internal agenda / Interne agenda An agenda (possibly to be added to or modified), which can be reviewed internally.

Draft agenda / Ontwerpagenda An agenda (possibly to be added to or modified), which can be reviewed internally.

Additional agenda / Aanvullende agenda The draft agenda may be revised after publication. After revision, it will be republished as a supplementary agenda. It may also be supplemented.

Urgent agenda / Spoedeisende agenda Agenda with items introduced by the council until just before the meeting.

Last updated