Phase 2: Agenda

The Course of the Agenda

Concept Agenda*

After the agenda items have been prepared, they are delivered to the secretary's office to be added to the agenda. The agenda is generally prepared by a member of the secretarial staff and/or the managing director. Then it is checked and completed by the general manager.

*This is not an official term. This term is used here to refer to the process.

Draft Agenda (Ontwerpagenda)

The draft agenda is communicated to the council before the meeting and published to for citizens. This agenda may still be modified.

Additional Agenda (Aanvullende agenda)

Councillors may still submit agenda items up to a few days before the meeting. This will then be re-communicated and published as a supplemental agenda.

Urgen Agenda (Spoedeisende agenda)

Up until just before the meeting, board members can still submit agenda items. The urgent agenda is also communicated and published as a supplementary agenda.

Communication & Publication

Communication to Council Members

The draft agenda, supplemental agenda and emergency agenda are communicated to council members. This is generally done by a member of the secretarial staff or general manager, via the software package or by mail. Digital communication is encouraged.

External communication

The draft agenda, supplemental agenda, and urgent agenda are published linked through the software vendor (such as Gelinkt Notuleren, for example) and are posted on the website. When published via GN, it arrives on a publishing environment such as that of Linked Noticing. Boards can link to this page from their website.

How does it work in Gelinkt Notuleren?

Our manual gives a clear view on how GN works [Dutch].


For agenda setting, you need the role writer.

Through Gelinkt Notuleren, the people who do not need writing privileges, but do review the agenda, can use the role reader to view the agenda items that have been put on the agenda.


Within Gelinkt Notuleren, you create an agenda within a session - so it must be created first. You fill in the information from the session that you have available in advance:

After that, the agenda items that were prepared are added to the session.

First, the agenda item is linked to the session. Then a title and description (optional) are added to the session for that agenda item. This title and description are used when publishing the agendas.

This title and description may differ from the title and description of the agenda item itself. The title in the agenda item itself is used in the decision list, minutes and excerpts.


From the moment an agenda item is agendized and linked to a session, the agenda item will have its geagendeerd (planned) status added to it, and you won't be able to add it to any other session.

Last updated