List of abbreviations at ABB

This page contains many of the abbreviations that are used on a daily basis within ABB: Agentschap Binnenlands Bestuur. They will help new people joining our team to get quicker up to speed.

PLEASE, help us to make this list complete. If you bump into an abbreviation or concept we use and you don't find an explanation for it here or if you know one yourself that is not featured on this page then add it to this page to make it more useful and keep it up to date. THANK YOU!


ACM/IDM: Access Management/ Identity Management is the Access Management of the Flemish government (ACM) and the User Management of the Flemish government (IDM). The ACM-part determines the ways a user can log into an application, the IDM-part determines the access roles granted to a user after being logged in.

AGB: Autonoom GemeenteBedrijf / Autonomous Municipal Company is an independent agency of the founding city or municipality and therefore has its own legal identity/ personality. An AGB is always a 100% subsidiary of the founding municipality. An AGB itself can participate in other legal entities in which other (public or private partners) also participate. An AGB is governed by a board of directors. A management committee is responsible for the day-to-day management. The board of directors is composed by the municipal council and consists of a majority of members of the municipal council. Since the composition of the municipal council changes after the six-yearly municipal elections, the board of directors is also reconstituted.

APB: Autonoom ProvincieBedrijf / Autonomous provincial company (APB) is a form of provincial external independence. It is set up by the province, has its own legal personality with a public-law status and carries out specific tasks of provincial importance. All tasks of provincial importance are eligible to be taken care of by the APB.​​​​​

AVG: Algemene Verordening Gegevensbescherming/ General Data Protection Regulation: The GDPR stipulates that member states consult the supervisory authority when drawing up draft regulations relating to the processing of personal data. At Flemish level, the VTC is the competent authority from whom such advice should be sought. Every organisation should perform a risk assessment and implement fitting technical and organisation measures for every data processing activity. Refer to DPO and DPIA.


BBC-DR: Beleids-en Beheerscyclus - Digitale Rapportering is a module in Loket Lokale Besturen helping local authorities to comply to / fulfill legal requirements with respect to (financial?) reporting over past periods.

BC&K: Beleidscoördinatie en Kennisorgansiatie is a team of Agentschap Binnenlands Bestuur that has the following tasks and responsibilities.

BIM: Building Information Model is is a digital model of an existing and/or planned construction, made up of objects to which information is linked. In addition to the geometry and position of, for example, a wall, such a model can also contain information such as the building material to be used (masonry or reinforced concrete), costs, the dimensions of an opening for a window frame and the course of the pipework. The object-oriented information can be linked to several things such as phasing, functions, required structural strength, specific connection to surrounding objects, and so on.

BNB: Burgernabije Besluitendatabank/ Public descisions database for civilians is a public decision database of Agentschap Binnenlands Bestuur that aims at making available all public decisions that were reported or submitted by the local authorities and that are related to themes that concern citizens.

BSBVR: Beleid Steden, Brussel & Vlaamse Rand is a team of Agentschap Binnenlands Bestuur that has the following tasks and responsibilities.

BVR: Besluit van de Vlaamse Regering / Decision of the Flemish Government


CEB: Centraal Bestuur van de Eredienst / The central boards of the worship service mainly have financial tasks. In certain cases, they also stimulate communication and coordination at municipal and provincial level.​​​​​​

CPD: Centrale PlanningsDag / Central Planning Day, the core planning and demo event of every growthspurt that takes place every second Thursday of the IPI - Innovation and Planning Iteration. During this event the product teams demo what value has been delivered to the users or ABB as an organization. The demo is being watched by a large number of stakeholders and the various team members. After the demo's the teams gather in breakout sessions to plan the upcoming growthspurt. The CPD is concluded with a plenary session where the results of the planning sessions are being presented. Main focus during this final part of the CPD is on the spurtgoals for every product(team).

COP: A community of practice takes place around a certain role in the operation or specific competencies. During these meetings, examples are shared, new techniques are taught or even new practices are developed.

CVP: Centrale Vindplaats is a repository for structured information derived from meeting minutes, decisions, codelists etc . The data can be requested using SPARQL queries on endpoints of this centrale vindplaats.


DPIA: Data Protection Impact Assessment, is an assessment which documents the technical and organizational measures (how we build controls into techology or how we organize people against risks) the agency implements to protect personal data processed by the agency. Every application should have a personal data processing risk assessment documenten. If there are significant risks to the protection of personal data, we perform a DPIA, which the DPO must advize on. Management must accept residual risks.

DPO: Data protection officer, ensures, in an independent manner, that an organization applies the laws protecting individuals' personal data. (Ref Wikipedia In Europe, this is the GDPR aka AVG, Algemene Verordening Gegevensbescherming.


Embeddable is a 'stripped' version of the application GN/ Linked Minutes that helps local authorities create, annotate and publish agendas, decisions and minutes according to the linked open data principle. This embeddable version is aimed at software suppliers of local governments. The goal of this tool is that they can easily integrate it into the software they have supplied to their customers (local authorities). In this way they do not have to invest time in developing and maintaining core components. The benefit for us as supervising agency is that the quality of the annotated data in the decisions made with this embeddable is up to our standards guaranteeing the reusability of the data.

EVA: Extern Verzelfstandigd Agentschap/ Municipal externally autonomous agency is a services with it's own legal personality. It may take a public or private form.


FP: a Feature Passport is a document that describes one specific feature in a way that is understandable for the (non-technical) stakeholders, the current team members, and potential professionals who will be contributing to the product in the future. It travels with the feature from conception/ design/ development over testing into release. Changing the feature at a later time will go hand in hand with updating the feature passport accordingly.


GEB: Gegevensbescherminseffectenbeoordeling. This is a DPIA, a data protection impact assessment. Refer to DPIA.

GKII: Gelijke Kansen, Integratie & Inburgering is a team of Agentschap Binnenlands Bestuur that has the following tasks and responsibilities.

GN: Gelinkt Notuleren / Linked Minutes is an application that helps local authorities to create, annotate and publish agendas, decisions and minutes according to the linked open data principle. It builds on information from, among other things, the Flemish Codex, the mandate database and the manager database.

GSM: Gemeente-stadsmonitor is is a digital 'environmental scanning tool' that maps the broad environment of every Flemish municipality and city. The monitor contains more than 300 environmental indicators or series of figures, of which more than 100 are collected by means of a three-yearly citizen survey.

GZG: Gemeenten Zonder Gemeentehuis/ Municipalities without a town hall is subsidy program that supports local authorities in Flanders to jointly develop innovative, digital solutions to make their services more efficient and customer-oriented. The first call was opened in September 2021, the last call ran until September 30, 2022. Agentschap Binnenlands Bestuur is closely involved in the management of this program.



IF: Inspectie Financien monitors expenditure and the proper use of government resources, including ABB and more specifically Digiteam. For example, a planned government contract of a certain amount must be submitted to IF for verification, or at certain times reports must be made about what we have done with our resources.

IGS: InterGemeentelijk Samenwerkingsverband/ Intermunicipal partnership is a generic term for the joint provision of public services by several municipalities. The cooperating municipalities are usually (but not always) neighboring municipalities.

IPDC: the Intergovernmental Products and Services Catalog (IPDC) provides an overview of the various services provided by the local, Flemish and federal government. The IPDC is integrated into the 'Single Digital Gateway' of the European Union making sure that (selected) local, Flemish and Federal services are visible on

IPI: Innovation and Planning Iteration, the fifth and final sprint of a (growth)spurt in which the team makes time for planning and innovation. The idea is to create a break from delivering product features and deliberatly creating room to plan carefully and try out/ experiment things that might come in handy in the future.

IRGN: Interactieve Reglementen Gelinkt Notuleren is an application aimed at local authorities who need help/ guidance in drawing up additional regulations for road traffic. The application consists of two modules:

  • a front office application for local governments based on the Gelinkt Minutes application of the Agency for Home Affairs (ABB). This allows users to create a new supplementary or temporary regulation.

  • a management module (central and open register of traffic signs and measures) maintained by the Department of Mobility and Public Works and the Agency for Roads and Traffic. This management module will eventually be used as a source for other mobility applications, for example as a sign library for the Traffic signs.Vlaanderen application.



KALLIOPE: product name for the case (dossier) management system used by the Agency for Home Affairs for managing files related to its operational activities. In the system - which is based on a generic Case Management product of an external party configured to the needs of ABB - 'dossiers' of certain types are managed. For its operation, Kalliope has integrations with other applications of the agency such as: the Digital Loket for digital communication regarding cases (dossiers) with local authorities, the organization portal for keeping contact information of authorities up to date.


LBLOD: Lokale Besluiten als Linked Open Data / Local Decisions as Linked Open Data (LBLOD) is a program. It includes all ABB projects on linked data and local decision making. By publishing the data in local decisions as linked open data, organisations can reuse that data more easily. Linked data is standardised, making it easy for machines to find and process it. Anyone can work with the information in the local acts thanks to LBLOD.

LDES: A Linked Data Event Stream is a new data publishing approach which allows you to publish any dataset as a collection of immutable objects. The focus of an LDES is to allow clients to replicate the history of a dataset and efficiently synchronize with its latest changes.

LF: Lokale Financien/ Local Finances is a team of Agentschap Binnenlands Bestuur that has the following tasks and responsibilities.

LLB: Loket Lokale Besturen/ Counter for Local Authorities is an online application of Agentschap Binnenlands Bestuur for data sharing between local authorities and the agency. It consists of different modules used for different communication topics or purposes.

LOW: Lokale Organisatie & Werking is a team of Agentschap Binnenlands Bestuur that has the following tasks and responsibilities.

LPDC: Lokale Producten en DienstenCatalogus/ local products and services catalog is a digital repository that provides an overview of the various services provided by the local governments. The repository is managed by the local authorities through a webapplication built and maintained by ABB. The creation, the update or deletion of services is synced with the IPDC.

LSVP: Lokale Samenwerking, Verzelfstandiging & Personeel is a team of Agentschap Binnenlands Bestuur that has the following tasks and responsibilities.


METIS: the front end of the Centrale Vindplaats

MVP: Minimum Viable Product is is a product with enough features to attract early-adopter customers and validate a product idea early in the product development cycle. In industries such as software, the MVP can help the product team receive user feedback as quickly as possible to iterate and improve the product.



OP: Organisatieportaal / Organization Portal is a web application used by people at Agentschap Binnenlands Bestuur to visualize and edit data about governing public organizations of local authorities and worship services and people linked to these organizations.

OSLO: Open Standards for Linking Organizations is an unambiguous standard for the exchange of information brought to life by the Government of Flanders. The intention is to ensure more cohesion, better comprehensibility and better findability of information and services. In this way, everyone can use the data more easily.


PEVA: Privaatrechtelijk Extern Verzelfstandigd Agentschap/ Private Law External Independent Agency: The municipal externally autonomous agencies (EVAs) are services with their own legal personality. They may take a public or private form. The public-law municipal EVAs are autonomous municipal companies (AGBs) and municipal autonomous port companies. Private-law municipal EVAs (PEVAs) are companies, associations (especially non-profit organisations) or foundations.

PM: Product Manager is responsible for defining desirable, viable, feasible, and sustainable solutions that meet customer needs and supporting development across the product life cycle. He or she works closely together with the Product Owner.

PO: Product Owner is an Agile team member primarily responsible for maximizing the value delivered by the team by ensuring that the team backlog is aligned with customer and stakeholder needs.

POC: a Proof of Concept is a demonstration of a product in which work is focused on determining whether an idea can be turned into a reality. A POC's goal is not to seek market demand for the concept or choose the best way to produce it. Rather than focusing on building or developing the idea, it tests whether the idea is feasible and viable.



RDFA: Resource Description Framework in Attributes is a W3C Recommendation that adds a set of attribute-level extensions to HTML, XHTML and various XML-based document types for embedding rich metadata within Web documents. The Resource Description Framework (RDF) data-model mapping enables its use for embedding RDF subject-predicate-object expressions within XHTML documents. It also enables the extraction of RDF model triples by compliant user agents. Ultimately, this recommendation is followed by organizations that want to make their data/ content machine readable.

RVM: Register van Maatregelen/ Register of measures is a central digital register for all kinds of measures. Agentschap Binnenlands Bestuur is creating this central repository together with other agencies of the Goverment of Flanders. The register features traffic signs and traffic roadmarks, ...

Register van Reglementaire Bijlagen en Codelijsten / Register of regulatory attachments and codelists is - contrary to the RVM - a register that does not contain single measures but entire templates and codelists that come in handy when drawing up regulations.

RO: Representatief Orgaan/ Representative Organ/ Body is a formal group of people (e.g. diocese, synod, ...) who have an advisory role towards the worship services that are linked to the representative organ.


SAFe: Scaled Agile Framework is a framework for Business Agility. SAFe combines fundamental practices of Lean, Agile, and DevOps into a theoretical operating system that should help organizations in delivering innovative products and services faster, more predictably, and with higher quality.

SPARQL: “SPARQL Protocol and RDF Query Language”, enables users to query information from databases or any data source that can be mapped to RDF. The SPARQL standard is designed and endorsed by the W3C and helps users and developers focus on what they would like to know instead of how a database is organized.

SSU Reporting: Solution Stand-Up Reporting is a biweekly meeting, every first Monday of a sprint, where the product manager and product owners of the various products meet with the members of the Solution Management Team to report on the progress made during the previous sprint in realizing sprint/ spurt objectives and returning value for the organization.




VDOM: a Virtual document object model that is used in the rdfa-editor as a programming concept where an ideal, or “virtual”, representation of a UI is kept in memory and synced with the “real” DOM by a library.

VIP: Vastgoed Informatie Platform or The Property Information Platform is an initiative of the municipalities, in collaboration with VVSG, the real estate sector (CIB & FedNot) and the Flemish Government. Digital Flanders is responsible for the development of the platform and operational management. The aim of VIP is to become a digital portal where the applicant for real estate information can request the necessary data in the context of a sale or long-term rental in one simple way. The platform then collects all data from the available, connected sources (central registers & municipalities).

VLOCA: Vlaamse Open City Architectuur/ Flemish Open City Architecture is a trajectory that offers an initiator of a city project a standardized approach in establishing the architectural elements of an open city project. VLOCA's standardized approach and deliverables ensure that every open city project is formed in the same way, can benefit from each other's achievements and ultimately results in an optimally interoperable solution throughout Flanders.





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