Welke toetsencombinaties werken?

overzicht voor Apple OS

Short cuts – Working (Apple OS)

· Command-B: Boldface the selected text, or turn boldfacing on or off.

· Command-I: Italicize the selected text, or turn italics on or off.

· Command-U: Underline the selected text, or turn underlining on or off.

· Shift-Command-Colon (:): Display the Spelling and Grammar window.

· Option-Delete: Delete the word to the left of the insertion point.

· Control-H: Delete the character to the left of the insertion point. Or use Delete.

· Control-D: Delete the character to the right of the insertion point. Or use Fn-Delete.

· Fn-Delete: Forward delete on keyboards that don't have a Forward Delete key. Or use Control-D.

· Control-K: Delete the text between the insertion point and the end of the line or paragraph.

· Fn–Up Arrow: Page Up: Scroll up one page.

· Fn–Down Arrow: Page Down: Scroll down one page.

· Fn–Left Arrow: Home: Scroll to the beginning of a document.

· Fn–Right Arrow: End: Scroll to the end of a document.

· Command–Up Arrow: Move the insertion point to the beginning of the document.

· Command–Down Arrow: Move the insertion point to the end of the document.

· Command–Left Arrow: Move the insertion point to the beginning of the current line.

· Command–Right Arrow: Move the insertion point to the end of the current line.

· Option–Left Arrow: Move the insertion point to the beginning of the previous word.

· Option–Right Arrow: Move the insertion point to the end of the next word.

· Shift–Command–Up Arrow: Select the text between the insertion point and the beginning of the document.

· Shift–Command–Down Arrow: Select the text between the insertion point and the end of the document.

· Shift–Command–Left Arrow: Select the text between the insertion point and the beginning of the current line.

· Shift–Command–Right Arrow: Select the text between the insertion point and the end of the current line.

· Shift–Up Arrow: Extend text selection to the nearest character at the same horizontal location on the line above.

· Shift–Down Arrow: Extend text selection to the nearest character at the same horizontal location on the line below.

· Shift–Left Arrow: Extend text selection one character to the left.

· Shift–Right Arrow: Extend text selection one character to the right.

· Option–Shift–Up Arrow: Extend text selection to the beginning of the current paragraph, then to the beginning of the following paragraph if pressed again.

· Option–Shift–Down Arrow: Extend text selection to the end of the current paragraph, then to the end of the following paragraph if pressed again.

· Option–Shift–Left Arrow: Extend text selection to the beginning of the current word, then to the beginning of the following word if pressed again.

· Option–Shift–Right Arrow: Extend text selection to the end of the current word, then to the end of the following word if pressed again.

· Control-A: Move to the beginning of the line or paragraph.

· Control-E: Move to the end of a line or paragraph.

· Control-F: Move one character forward.

· Control-B: Move one character backward.

· Control-L: Center the cursor or selection in the visible area.

· Control-P: Move up one line.

· Control-N: Move down one line.

· Control-O: Insert a new line after the insertion point.

· Control-T: Swap the character behind the insertion point with the character in front of the insertion point.

· Option-Command-I: Show or hide the inspector window.

· Shift-Command-S: Display the Save As dialog, or duplicate the current document.

· Shift–Command–Question mark (?): Open the Help menu.

Not working (Apple OS):

· Command-K: Add a web link.

· Command-T: Show or hide the Fonts window.

· Command-D: Select the Desktop folder from within an Open dialog or Save dialog.

· Control-Command-D: Show or hide the definition of the selected word.

· Command-Semicolon (;): Find misspelled words in the document.

· Command–Left Curly Bracket ({): Left align.

· Command–Right Curly Bracket (}): Right align.

· Shift–Command–Vertical bar (|): Center align.

· Option-Command-F: Go to the search field.

· Option-Command-T: Show or hide a toolbar in the app.

· Option-Command-C: Copy Style: Copy the formatting settings of the selected item to the Clipboard.

· Option-Command-V: Paste Style: Apply the copied style to the selected item.

· Option-Shift-Command-V: Paste and Match Style: Apply the style of the surrounding content to the item pasted within that content.

· Shift-Command-P: Page setup: Display a window for selecting document settings.

· Shift–Command–Minus sign (-): Decrease the size of the selected item. (decreases the entire content of the browser window, not a selected word)

· Shift–Command–Plus sign (+): Increase the size of the selected item. Command–Equal sign (=) performs the same function. (increases the entire content of the browser window, not a selected word)


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