Deep linking to resources

The OrganisatiePortaal application supports deep linking to resources from external applications.

How it works

OrganisatiePortaal has a "redirect" page which can redirect the user to the correct page. The only requirement is the URI of the resource you want to deep link to.

URL structure

To deep link to a certain resource the following URL structure can be used:

{{domain}}/redirect?resource={{resource URI}}

URL partDescriptionExample value


The base domain of the OP environment.

{{resource URI}}

​The URI of the resource. This will be used to retrieve the necessary information to redirect the user to the correct page.

Example URL

Supported resource types

Deep linking is supported for the following resources:

NameRDF typeExample resource URI


Bestuur van de eredienst

Centraal bestuur van de eredienst

If the provided resource URI belongs to a type that isn't supported yet, the user will be redirected to the homepage instead.


Users will need to be authenticated before they can be redirected to the correct page. If the user isn't logged in to the OrganisatiePortaal application they will be redirected to the login page first (from which they can start the ACM/IDM login flow). After a successfully login the user will be redirected to the correct details page.

Usage example

Deep linking to (supported) resources is very easy. Simply generate a valid URL using the documentation above and use that as the href value of an <a> tag.

Here we link to a fictional "Bestuur van de eredienst" using the example resource URI that was mentioned in the "supported resource types" table.

<a href="">
  Bewerk in het OrganisatiePortaal

In the example we used the DEV environment (``) as the base butany environmentwhere this functionality is available can be used.

Last updated