User Interactions

This page describes how users interact with different patterns and flows in the Organisation Portal


During the usertesting sessions where we tested the new contact detail feature and the filter behaviours, we recorded the sessions to make it easier for us to take notes and re-watch the sessions at a later date.

This was extremely helpful because next to the conclusions we were able to form around the tested features, we can now dissect the recordings and form conclusions on the user behaviours for different flows and patterns that weren't tested (e.g. interaction with the date picker).

This page will illustrate all behaviours and patterns we found and also list UX recommendations based on these behaviours.



Date picker

User doesn't interact with the date picker and just types the date in

Sofie: Solved - Instead of the datapicker, a datefield with inputmask will be released in version OP-1.10.x

Session 1 - 11:08 Session 2 - 23:12

Navigating to positions page

User always clicks on first name then on the position tab instead of clicking on the position straight away

This is a longer path, but not an issue. - Are users aware they can click on the position? why are they not doing this? Sofie: - Show the fastest use during demo's and training. - We can desribe the fastes way in the manual

Session 1 - 12:00 --> 16:00 Session 3 - 32:30 Session 5 - 12:03

Using CRAB

  • Users don't always use hyphens

  • User wants to edit house number can't as CRAB sees it as one entity

Can we improve CRAB somehow to learn to deal with typos? Sofie: - We are looking to replace CRAB as it goes end-of-life end of 2023 (see OP-1525) - Improvement on editing a CRAB address is made in OP-1448

Session 1 - 12:25 Session 2 - 5:56 Session 3 - 6:06 Session 5 - 13:50

Ember select

User doesn't always select that they typed, expectation to be selected automatically

Session 2 - 16:47 Session 4 - 5:45, 15:50 Session 5 - 7:50

filling in first/last name of existing people

  • Users writes first name in the first name fields, sees last names showing up and proceeds to continue writing the last name in the same fields - results disappear as the mechanism only sees the inputted words as a first name

The search person implementation needs to be revisited. We need to either improve the current one or change it so there is only one field for both first and last name. Sofie: Personally, I love the way it works right now, I saw this as a nice feature :-). But if most of the testers don't use it the right way, we definitely need to change it, as they might create a person that already exists. I created ticket OP-1568.

Session 2 - 4:34 Session 3 - 30:07 Session 4 - 5:45, 15:50 Session 5 - 7:50

editing bestuursorgaan

Users expect to be able to edit/add people when clicking on Edit in the Bestuursorgaan page

Is this something we need to teach the user? or is this something we need to make possible? Sofie: My opinion is we should teach them. But if you can come up with a better design for this, go ahead :-).

Session 2 - 3:40 Session 4 - 4:30 Session 5 - 6:50


One user got confused about the way breadcrumbs work: they were editing a position from the person's module and saw the breadcrumbs for the bestuursraad and thought that was wrong

Only one user mentioned this in this session so no action needs to be taken but it's a good thing to know in case it does come back Sofie: I put a card in the parking

Session 1 - 15:20

Last updated