User sessions 09/21

This page is a summary of the process and findings of the two user sessions executed in September 2021.

These user sessions were conducted in the context of Erediensten

The sessions


  • Help users understand and navigate the Koala release of the Organisatieportaal (Erediensten)

  • Gather feedback for potential improvements and future releases


We held two sessions. One for ISLG (6 participants) and one for LOW (6 participants).

A session for LF is still pending


  1. Introduction: who is who?

  2. Introduction: OrganisatiePortaal

    1. For the first session (ISLG) we started with an introduction to the Organisation Portal, as the users hadn't seen it prior to the sessions. This part was skipped for LOW as they had already participated in user testing sessions.

  3. Session

    1. We asked the participants whether they had tried to use the application yet, and if so, what their thoughts were so far.

    2. Each participant had to share their screen one by one and complete a task in the application.

  4. After the session, we had one final feedback moment where participants could share their concerns, thoughts, and any other feedback about the session and the application.

The Findings

Overall, all participants managed to complete the set tasks (only one participant out of the 12 present needed nudging for a task). This doesn't mean there weren't any issues found.

Prioritising findings

User questions/concerns voiced during the session





Validation is missing - cannot save data when filled in wrong (example BLB)


Dev (Design / Product)

In progress: OP-666 OP-696

Editing addresses isn't very clear yet as it only works in one specific way – you have to click through multiple screens


Dev (Product)

"Pas aan" button is at the bottom of a long page - not always very visible


Dev / Design

Refinement needed – in discussion with Dieter

Fixed position for buttons, look at loket and gelinkt notuleren.

Need for more than just three statuses



Refinement in progress; also part of veranderingsgebeurtenissen

Data quality not yet perfect



Analysis needed about next steps; what goes wrong where? – what are paths to solve it. We need overview first.

The application is slow


Dev / Product


  • define minimum / maximum (DOD)

  • list possibilities

BLB - when a user accidentally adds a row and doesn't fill it it, the row stays there empty.



In progress: OP-658

Asking for different rights so that not all users can edit


Dev / Design / Product

Date picker only works when a specific day is selected (not just year/month)

(Not-blocking.. Also a little blocking)

Dev / Design (Product)

Refinement needed

  • or we have an input with a mask

  • or we make sure the date picker works with one click basically

To be discussed with dev

Worry that VJS is not in the application yet


Dev / Design / Product

In progress: OP-451 OP-452 OP-453

Can the address be automatically filled in when a piece of information is filled in? (e.g. fill in postcode when city is filled in)


Dev / Design

It's not yet easy to find the Representatieve organen in the application

Not-blocking / Nice to have


Refinement needed: option a: Provide a "way out" option b: list in de app option c: full experience

To be discussed with Sam

Definition of what "Kerngegevens" is

Nice to have


Refinement needed

Roepnaam could be misinterpreted (one participant thought it would be something like "his highness" rather than "Big John")

Nice to have

Dev / Design / Product

Refinement: Explain in help text

Searching by "deelgemeente" when the name only contains "gemeente" and vice versa --> naming problem?

Nice to have

Dev / Design / Product

Refinement needed: educate or fix? solution needed?

Session/Application feedback

  • "The session was useful, I wouldn't have tried test scenarios on my own." - would like sessions in the future

  • Worry that not everything is in a logical flow yet

  • Excited to see what the future brings

  • data accuracy concern, but overall good feeling

  • Recording sessions in the future so that people who cannot attend can still watch and learn?

Last updated