🆔❌ FP: Onboarding: Polders en watering

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Status Feature Passport

Hajar, 14/08/2023:

  • Sofie has communicated to put this on hold for now.


1. SharePointLISTS (one time data conversion)

2. KBO (list from KBO Select)

KBO-Select_2023-08-09_Polders en wateringen Vlaams Gewest.xlsx

3. Data.gov.be

Hajar, 11/08/2023

  • Reached out to Data.gov.be using the website's contact form requesting a list of all active 'Polders en Watering' in the Flemish region. - TBC

Grenzen van Polders, toestand 20/01/2023

Extra info + downloads

Grenzen van Wateringen, toestand 20/01/2023

Extra info + downloads

Sofie, 18/08/2023: Er is wel een hervorming in voorbereiding van de Polders en Wateringen. Er zullen er op termijn maar 12 meer over zijn. (Info van Katrien in visiedocument van Loket)

Organisation classificiaton

Polders en watering

Polder and Watering are public administrations (openbaar bestuur) tasked with establishing a favorable water management within its jurisdiction (ambtsgebied) for agriculture and public health, taking into account the principles of the decree concerning integrated water policy and implementing the sub-basin management plan.


📁 MODULE Bestuurseenheden

Search page



  • Soort eredienst Don't show this filter when one of the new administrative units is selected.

  • Type bestuur: add the options

    • Polders

    • Wateringen

Columns in results table

  • Naam (default sorting)

  • Type bestuur

  • Provincie

  • Gemeente

  • Status

Kerngegevens (core data)


Vestigingen (sites)

Set up the same as the other administrative units.

Type of sites:

  • maatschappelijke zetel

❌ Betrokken Lokale Besturen (local involvements)

Betrokken lokale besturen where created specifically for worship services.

We will extend the related organisations with different type of relationships so we can display the relationship with local governments in the related organisation's menu-item

❌ Bestuursorganen (governing bodies)

For now we will NOT create the governing bodies in OP and we will NOT capture 'mandaten' or 'bestuursleden'.

This might change in the future because a new proposal to change the decree is in the making.

The governing bodies should be developed, it's needed for the 'Leidinggevenden', but not be shown on the page.

Leidinggevenden (executives)

MVP? If so, can these be synced from the leidinggevenden databank?

Veranderingsgebeurtenissen (change events)

Type of change event > Resulting status

  1. Oprichting > Actief

  2. Naamswijziging > Actief

  3. In ontbinding > Actief

  4. In vereffening > Actief

  5. Ontbonden en vereffend > Niet actief

  6. Fusie > Actief OR Niet actief

🤩 Expectations

🕵️‍♂️ Use Cases

🤔 Discussion points


The next two parts of the FP can [sometimes] be worked on simultaneously


This part of the feature passport is owned by the designer

User research

[If there is any user research preceding the wireframe mock-up stage, it needs to be documented here]


[link to figma mockups + any explanation or extra documentation]


This part of the feature passport is owned by the technical team

[Information about the technical solutions for expectations that need it - e.g. using mu-search for showing all types of positions in one table.]

After the designer and/or the technical team finish their task, a meeting follows where the solutions are presented. The team exchanges feedback and amends the feature passport where necessary.

Last updated