📖Script: New municipality (merger)

What actions are needed when a new municipality is added to OP?

Change of code list

Wijzigingen AGB, APB, IGS en politiezones

Wijziging werkingsgebied

When will a new municipality be created?

The only reason a new municipality will be created in OP is as a result of a merger (= a change event) between two or more municipalities.

When two or more municipalities merge, this will always result in a new municipality.

More information on mergers = https://www.vlaanderen.be/lokaal-bestuur/samenwerking-fusies-regiovorming-en-verzelfstandiging/lopende-fusietrajecten-2019-2024

These new local governments will not start until 1 January 2025.

Scenario for mergers on Flemish Government level: https://vlaamseoverheid-my.sharepoint.com/:b:/g/personal/katrien_desmet_vlaanderen_be/EbQlo6QAUOlHjeFJSS53OegB5qI9sOyZdIw5XWUV-whBuQ?e=l8R6AS (This document will get an update before 1/1/2025.

1. Actions for the new municipality in OP (resulting organisation)

1.1. Add new municipality (gemeente)

The business: will add the new municipality via: https://organisaties.abb.vlaanderen.be/bestuurseenheden/nieuwe-bestuurseenheid and fill in all the core data. (Currently, the option for adding a new municipality is not available)

PM/PO of OP:

  • Now: informs Loket (Pieter and Nele) that a new municipality has been created.

  • For mergers in 2025: synchronisation from OP to Loket.

1.2. Add sites (Vestigingen)

The address that has been filled in upon creation in the municipality shows automatically in the 'vestigingen', but has no type of vestiging added to it.

The business will edit the location:

  • Add the correct 'type vestiging'

  • Always make sure that the 'administratieve zetel' is added.

  • Make sure that the 'Primair correspondentieadres' is on the correct 'vestiging'

1.3. Governing bodies (Bestuursorganen)

= no action for the business required, check if it is OK needed by OP-team

The governing bodies get created automatically for the current legislation. Check whether they are created automatically for the next legislation as well.

The 'Bestuursleden' and 'Mandatarissen' will be synced with 'Mandatendatabank' of Loket

1.4. Managers/Executives (Leidinggevenden)

= no action for the business required, check if it is OK needed by OP-team

The 'Leidinggevenden' will be synced with 'Leidinggevenden' databank' of Loket.

1.5. Change events (Veranderingsgebeurtenissen)

The business: If the new municipality is a city, add the 'stadstitel' change event.

= FOR NOW, no action for the business required, check if it is OK needed by OP-team

For now, we only have geographical type of relationships which are added automatically.

In the future, we will expand the type of relationship, see epic OP-2272. Actions by the business may be necessary.

2. Actions for the municipalities that were part of the fusion in OP (involved organisations)

2.1. Add a change event (veranderingsgebeurtenis)

DEV team: Add the change event to one of the municipalities that will be merged.

The change event is automatically added to the other involved municipalities and the resulting municipality.


  • status of the involved municipalities changes from 'Actief' to 'Niet actief'

    • in the example this is municipality X and municipality Y

  • no status change on the resulting municipality, the status stays 'Actief'

    • in the example this is municipality Z

Question: This will change the code list of municipalities. Who is master?

TO DO: write down the actions that are needed (change code list + contact Loket + ...?)

1.2. Governing bodies (Bestuursorganen)

The business: has to enter the end date for each governing body that is part of the involved non-active municipality/(ies). The end date is the same as the merger change event date.

PM/PO of OP: informs loket that the 'Bestuursleden' and 'Mandatarissen' need to have an end date in the 'Mandatendatabank' so it will sync correctly to OP. = check if it is OK needed by OP-team

1.3. Managers/Executives (Leidinggevenden)

= no action for the business required, check if it is OK needed by OP-team

PM/PO of OP: informs loket that the 'Leidinggevenden' need to have an end date in the 'Leidinggevenden databank' so it will sync correctly to OP.

= FOR NOW, no action for the business required, check if it is OK needed by OP-team

For now, we only have geographical type of relationships which are added automatically.

In the future, we will expand the type of relationship, see epic OP-2272. Actions by the business may be necessary.

3. Action on worship services in OP

3.1. Local involvement (Betrokken lokale besturen)

  • DEV: Change codelist with the new municipality

DEV: create query that shows all the local involvements that the old municipalities have in worship services

Business: change the relationships in OP based on the query results if this can not be done automatically by the developers.

4. Other impacts

4.1. Municipality in address field

Two options for filling in an address:

  • Via CRAB functionality

  • Via manual input

Impact on manual input:

Address field in module 'Bestuurseenheden'

Address field in module 'Personen' At this moment the new and edit possibilities are disabled.

DEV: change codelist in the municipalities

= FOR NOW, no action for the business required, check if it is OK needed by OP-team

For now, we only have geographical type of relationships which are added automatically.

In the future, we will expand the type of relationship, see epic OP-2272. Actions by the business may be necessary.

DEV: create query that shows all the relations that the old municipalities have with other administrative units

Business: change the relationships in OP based on the query results if this can not be done automatically by the developers.

Last updated