Open discussions

Open discussions

Kerngegevens - Bestuurseenheden

Card cluster: Name administrative unit

  1. [COPY] Do we keep the cluster name as "Kern" for Core, or do we align with ERE [Type of administrative unit]?

    1. YB: Bestuurseenheid instead of Kern - is generic for both ERE and Core.

  2. Core attributes table

    1. Do we show:

      1. AAB URI

        1. YB: do we need to show this?

      2. NIS Code

      3. Denominatie

      4. Onder toezicht VO

      5. Rechtsvorm

      6. BTW

      7. Samenwerkingsverbanden

  3. What does a "Verzelfstandigde rechtsvorm" like AGB look like? Where do we show this?

  4. Do we need werkingsgebied here or on a separate tab?

  5. Alternatieve naam, voorkeursnaam,...? Which one do we pick? What suits OSLO?

5. To be discussed with Boris

YB: 5. What is the question here? Which one will be shown to endusers? Why would we need to hide it?

Card cluster: Contactgegevens maatschappelijke zetel

  • Is the card relevant for Core?

    • YB: Yes. We will try to make this relevant for all bestuurseenheden.

      • We need to change the title of the card

      • Change he business rule to identify which card info will appear

Requires analysis?

Card Cluster: Contactpersonen

  • YB: Is this a nice to have? I believe this card cluster is not needed.

    • SP: I believe this was a nice-to-have in the context of Erediensten as we expected a lot of administrative units to not have contact information. In those cases having a contact person might be a nice-to-have.

      • If it is is nice-to-have for ERE, is it also nice-to-have for Core?

If we decide this card cluster is indeed nice-to-have, we have the attributes ready:




Position of contact person (clickable)


Name (clickable)


Card cluster: Opmerkingen Nice to have




Text area, no label

Nice to have.

Kerngegevens - Ondernemingen & Verenigingen

In the longer term after having added most lokale besturen, we will also add Ondernemingen & Verenigingen.

Extensive analysis is needed to understand whether ABB is the authentic source, or we can rather connect to existing datasources that get information updates first.

Last updated