πŸ†”FP: Betrokken Lokale Besturen for Central Worship Services

Status Feature Passport


In proposal

Yassin Sofie (peer review)

10/01/2023 xxxxxxx

In refinement - Design Research

In refinement - Technical Research/Feedback

In development

In QA/ Testing

In Final state


Current state

The current state can be found here: [OK] Betrokken Lokale Besturen / Publieke betrokkenheid

Currently it is not possible to register betrokken lokale besturen for the +/- 300 central worship services


Loket needs this data for its dispatching rules for Databank Erediensten webapp. It was not implemented so far, because this is a stable list.


Implementing this feature has impact on data and the front-end

Implications - the front-end


A municipality or province can only have one type of betrokkenheid per worship service.

The following codelist is needed:

CodelistBusiness ruleComment


Can only be 1 municipality/province

Note there is no financing percentage. The central worship services is funded by the worship services it represents. To simplify matters, we suggest to use only type betrokkenheid: "Toezichthoudend".

Required validations


There can only be one gemeente/province with the type betrokkenheid relationship of "Toezichthoudend"

Error message: "Er kan slechts één gemeente- of provincieoverheid optreden als toezichthouder"

Implications - the back-end


Toezichthouder: Kan slechts 1 gemeente/provincie zijn per eredienstbestuur. Dit is de hoofdgemeente/provincie zodat duidelijk is waarnaar de notulen moeten gezonden worden, wie de andere gemeentes/provincies moet betrekken etc. Bij de orthodoxe en de islamitische besturen zal hier dus de naam van een provincie moeten staan en niet de naam van een gemeente. Bijkomend wordt er een financieringspercentage vermeld in het geval van besturen van de eredienst.


In this section the data impact is explained.

Registration of the Lokale besturen for Central worship service

Currently the database can be populated with the static data is used by Loket currently - see content of ticket: https://binnenland.atlassian.net/browse/DL-4442

Datamodel impact

Datamodel: https://app.diagrams.net/#G1F2AWVdZbTR57WrDd7nX0ZEFo3BJAq6xQ

The proposed relationships are added in red

+/-275 Gemeente organized worship services (Roman-catholic, Anglican, Protestant and Israeli)

The gemeente is the counter part of the central worship service for Roman-catholic, Anglican, Protestant and Israeli worship services

+/-3 Provincial organized worship services

The province is the counter part of the central worship service for Orthodox and Islamic worship services


πŸ€”Discussion points

None at this point

✨ Data quality queries

  • list and count of central worship services that have no 'betrokken lokaal bestuur'

  • other?



User research




Add new menu item

Name = 'Betrokken lokaal bestuur'

To add between menu items 'Vestigingen' and 'Bestuursorganen'

Table set-up

1. Column 'Naam' (= Same as worship services)

  • dropdown with the possibility to select a municipality or a province

  • single select

2. Column 'Type instelling' (= Same as worship services)

  • Autofill depending on what is selected in column 1

3. Column 'Type bestrokkenheid'

  • Autofill with 'Toezichthoudend' (because there is only one option)


This part of the feature passport is owned by the technical team

[Information about the technical solutions for expectations that need it - e.g. using mu-search for showing all types of positions in one table.]

After the designer and/or the technical team finish their task, a meeting follows where the solutions are presented. The team exchanges feedback and amends the feature passport where necessary.

Last updated