Agendapoints Service

to be checked

A draft agendapoint document can only every be attached to one agendapoint. Once that's done, that document can no longer be used for any other agendapoint, either in the same zitting or in another. Right now this constraint is only enforced in the frontend, which opens the door to all sorts of race conditions.

Provide an endpoint for:

  • agendapoint creation

  • agendapoint deletion

  • agendapoint updates

An agendapoint needs:

  • agendapoint linked to a meeting

  • behandeling linked to the agendapoint

  • a document linked to the behandeling

This service ensures these exist and a removed if appropriate.

  • can’t remove agendapoint if it’s been published

  • a draft can only be assigned to one agendapoint

  • make sure a behandeling is created for a new agendapoint

  • make sure a behandeling is removed when the agendapoint is removed

  • if the behandeling is removed the linked votes should also be removed.

  • keep document name in line with agendapoint title

    • validations on fields: name, gepland openbaar?

Agenda Scheme

Voor het agendapuntType gebruiken op dit moment volgend schema (nog niet gepubliceerd):

<> "gepland"; 
<> "aanvullend"; 
<> "spoedeisend";

Last updated