app-gelinkt-notuleren 2.16.2

Release information

Release notes:

Release notes frontend:

Release notes editor:

Executive summary

Updates to printing view, small fixes in the frontend, and bump to new editor version. Decision types are now fetched from centrale vindplaats.

Deploy guide

  1. set up the maintenance frontend in docker-compose.override.yml

  2. optional: create a backup of the database with /data/useful-scripts/ ${name-of-container}

  3. bring down everything with docker-compose down

  4. bring up just the maintenance frontend with docker-compose up -d editor

  5. git fetch && git checkout v2.16.2

  6. start the database and migrations service with docker-compose up -d virtuoso migrations

  7. verify the migrations have completed successfully

  8. remove (comment out) maintenance frontend from docker-compose.override.yml

  9. start the stack docker-compose up -d

  10. verify it's up


Last updated