Use RvM by "Barbara"

  1. Read? What can Barbara use within the RvM

  2. Change/Add? What can Barbara add or change within RV

2 A Municipality requests a new traffic sign (to be added to the DB)

Needs Refinement:

  • Data input / user flow

  • Admin side: flow / panel / screens. (=RVM story)

A feature that will ease the request and processing of 'non-legal' traffic signs (see link for an overview), for both the users as the administrators. These types of signs are often used by municipalities (eg: camera bewaking; spelende kinderen; paddenoversteekplaats,..) but have no legal structure. To add these types of signs to the database a seperate flow is necessary.

Current flow in VKB VL:

  1. Reques by municipality through mail > Helpdesk (Lien)

  2. Processing by Geert in VKB VL:

    1. Creation of SVG file

    2. add measurements

    3. add new sign-code to CSV file (used for DB)

Current apps used:

InkScape : VsDesign :


Proposed functionalities:

A form with input fields for:

  • Name (subject)

  • Organization

  • Photo1 (of the actual traffic sign)

  • Photo2 (the design of the sign with measurements etc., admins prefer to receive SVG-files)

  • a dropdown for 'onderschriften' (Talk to Geert for actual content in VKBVL)

  • a text box for custom 'onderschrift' / 'vrije ingave'


3 Partial alterations of data from Uri's in a Measure/Article?

needs refinement.


  • Re-use of "Maatregel"

  • Signalisation of Zonal validity

  • Signalisation variable validity

  • "Opheffingsbepaling" -> Sometimes certain ARs become obsolete and need to be cancelled. When this field? is not filled out a message should appear along the lines: "Niet van toepassing".

*VV: Opheffingsbepaling is een specifiek type artikel, dat misschien generiek kan opgelost worden (cf. catalogus van bepalingen) In elk geval moet je zowel in juridische gronden als in de opheffingsbepaling verwijzen naar het betrokken besluit van het lokaal bestuur dat je wilt opheffen. Dit is dan gekoppeld aan de "citatenplugin" (maar dan uitgebreid naar de eigen besluiten van het bestuur en niet enkel de Vlaamse Codex) (deze feature zou best ook toegevoegd worden in de featurepassport van de citatenplugin ;) )

Last updated