

Current state

  • How might we avoid errors in not publishing mandatory public decisions?

  • How might we help users reach their deadlines?

    • agenda > 10 days before meeting,

    • additional agenda > 5 days before meeting

    • decision list > 10 days after meeting

    • notulen > 10 day after the notulen are approved

  • How might we avoid the publishing of notulen that are not yet approved?

    • Notulen can only be published if they are approved in a meeting

    • Approval of notulen does not exist.

  • How might we fit the publication flow closer to the offline flow?

    • “Uittreksels” is not the correct legal term. Although seems to be used by 'lokale besturen'

    • “Spoedeisende agenda” is a separate step from the normal agenda and additional agenda. Does not belong in the list.

  • Revocation is not an issue or very rare according to the legal team.

2. Current known issues by users:

  • 4 'lokale besturen' have asked for corrections in the last 6 months due to:

    • copy/paste mistake

    • visualisation was not correct

    • 2nd signature did not agree which blocked the process

3. Open jira issues:


Publicatie - each uittreksel is published (user? or bug?)

no automatische melding if sjabloon/template "vrije tekst" is used.

support large meetings in the publication proces

Default openbaarheid - Burgemeester en Schepencollege/Vast bureau - gepland besloten agendapunt

Default "publiceren notulen" openbaar/niet-openbaar in line with agendapunt openbaarheid?

publiek / niet publiek - other persons view other settings

Publication - a published decision not based on a decision template doesn't show a title or description

besluittype in uittreksel in leesbare tekst tonen

mogelijkheid om publicaties gelinkt notuleren beknopter en leesbaarder te maken

Refinement Privacy

Publication - a published decision not based on a decision template doesn't show a title or description

4. User interviews

Interview questions


  • Lanaken

  • Provincie Limburg

  • Essen


  1. Publishing is not always correct:

    1. Contains typo's

    2. Mandatory parts are forgotten

    3. Missing attachments

    4. Public/private issues: private decisions can be published by mistake

  2. Not clear what has to be published (mandatory) and by when

  3. Document previews are not easily readable:

    1. too long

    2. bad spacing

    3. not consistent

  4. Current open bugs


  1. visualisation is not always clear: can we further investigate where this is the case?

  2. the concept of 'openbaarheid' is not clear: can we further investigate what is not clear?


  1. Create an improved prepublish flow so less mistakes are made in publishing.

  2. Create a stable base for further exploration of the revocation feature.


  1. Measure amount of mistakes being published.

  2. Measure the amount of corrreclty published decisions.




Adminmodule voor de publicatieomgeving in GN

Gepland openbaar / Gepland besloten

This is set when the agendapoint is created. Indicates if the agendapoint is planned to be discussed in public or in private.

Openbare behandeling / Besloten behandeling

This is set during the meeting. Indicates it the agendapoint has been discussed in public or in private

Publiek / Niet publiek

This is set during publication. Indicates if the contents of the decision can be published or not.



User research

[If there is any user research preceding the wireframe mock-up stage, it needs to be documented here]


[link to figma mockups + any explanation or extra documentation]


[Information about the technical solutions for expectations that need it - e.g. using mu-search for showing all types of positions in one table.]

Still unclear

QuestionDate askedDecision

Do we need additional user interviews to finish the analysis?


Last updated