Use Cases


General (best) practice with our users is to export the traffic situation in its entirety, this is done to avoid miscommunication. This also means that in a situation where only one setup/post is affected by the new AR, the whole layout for the street is adopted into it.

UC1 Compose a new additional traffic-law (AR) based on an import for one street.

The imported selection of traffic signs should contain:

  1. The traffic signs that are added in the new AR

  2. The traffic signs that remain unchanged in the new AR

For a more information regarding the construction of an AR, please see Concept.

1 'Het overwegend gedeelte' -> Scherm 1: aanmaak nieuw AR

User input

The following fields are required:

  • Public title (Betreft / Openbare titel besluit: "Aanvullend reglement betrtffende ...")

The following fields can be filled out at a later date:

  • Governing body / uitreksel uit de notulen van

  • planned on / zitting

  • "opheffingsbepaling"


The following fields are filled out by the application:

  • Referencenumber:

    • Is generated by IRGN

    • Is communicated to RvM and VKB.VL in the URIs of the AR (?)

    • A unique index that the municipalities use to internally allocate the ARs

  • Regulationnumber:

    • het nummer zoals dat in de databank van de voogdijoverheid zou verschijnen (bijv. 20130156)

    • gezien AR nog niet via IRG worden overgemaakt aan de voogdijoverheid, is het reglementnummer in deze fase van IRG nog niet van toepassing

  • Decision type, based on road type:

    • Gemeentewegen worden ter kennisgeving overgemaakt = Kennisgevingsprocedure

    • Gewestwegen of wegen bedoeld in artikel 6 van het decreet worden ter goedkeuring overgemaakt = goedkeuringsprocedure


  • Regulation number

  • Decision type, based on road type:


Yellow text is autofilled

Red text is obligatory

2 Het besluit

User input

The following fields need user input and are required:

The following fields need user input and can be filled out at a later date:

  • Select the correct authority


The following fields are filled out by the application:

Article creation

An article consists of at least one measure [=location determination + instruction] and an accompanying article designation (= descriptive text).

Constructing a measure:

Based on the import of traffic signs we generate:

  • A Location determination ( Ter hoogte van... nummer .. )

  • Traffic sign code(s) ( bordcode B22)

The plugin suggests instructions for the measure based on the combination of imported traffic signs: " Bicycle riders can drive past the traffic lights to turn right. "

  • The suggestion can contain combinations with sub-, x- and combined traffic signs.

  • It is wishful to have a filter on these suggestions. When the setup is less complex the suggestions for the measure will be in abundance and hard to narrow down.

3 Afsluiting

User input

The following fields need user input and are required:

The following fields need user input and can be filled out at a later date:


The following fields are filled out by the application:

UC2 Compose a new additional traffic-law (AR) based on an import for a zone / area.

This UseCase is essentially the same as the first, only will we need the extra ablility to mark: Start-Zone End-Zone ... Needs Refinement

Toepassing van verkeersborden met zonale geldigheid mbt. zonale geldigheid

UC3 Edit an existing additional traffic-law (AR) [concept?]

  • Expand an additional traffic-law (AR) [concept?] with one or more articles

  • Delete an article from an additional traffic-law (AR) [concept?]

Last updated