Change notifications

Value of the feature

Users of IRGN are made aware that a draft decision is using outdated information from the mow registry.

Implementation in IRG

Users have 3 types of notifications:

  • green: editorial changes have been made (spelling or structure of the sentences has changed)

  • yellow: this measure will no longer be available in a zonal or variable format

  • red: this measure will soon be deprecated

Possible implementation in IRGN

In general there is the question when this information will be relevant, there are multiple locations a user could be notified:

  • when editing a document

  • in the agendapoints overview

  • in the meeting overview

  • in the publication overview

When editing a document

It seems most relevant for a user to see this information when editing a document, this is also the location where we can provide the most detailed information (which measure is based on outdated information).

In the document we would highlight (in different colors?) the sections that need attention.

For editorial changes the updated content for the measure is shown in the sidebar and a user is instructed to update the measure manually. There is also on option to remove the notification (mark it as done).

For measures that will be deprecated a warning is shown with the deprecation date, the user is offered the option to remove the measure from the document. The user also has the option to remove the warning (mark it as done).

For measures that are no longer available in a zonal or variable format a warning is shown, with the option to remove the measure or to just mark it as done.

In the agendapoints overview

We foresee multiple of these types of notifications in the future as we integrate with more sources. A suggestion to tackle is to simplify the notification to a simple column in the agendapoints overviews "action required". This could be expanded with some more information on hover.

in the meeting overview

Similar to the agendapoints overview it might suffice here to indicate that action is required for a certain agendapoint and direct to the edit screen of that agendapoint for more information

In the publication overview

Mostly relevant when (trying to) publish an extract or notulen: visualize if actions points were not marked as done? should this block publication?

Base requirements in registry

We currently don't have enough information in the registry to trigger these notifications

  • it should be possible to provide an end date for a measure (+ perhaps some kind of status in general)

  • a last_modified date should be kept on measures and instructions (as a minimum)

  • a description of the change should be requested on updating a measure or instruction

  • the registry should provide some form of change notification for consumers to hook into: LDES, webhooks, delta's, ...

Base requirements in IRGN

  • A service that process change notifications from MOW registry, to generate notifications on documents where applicable.

  • Keep extra metadata on documents: what (version of) measure concepts where used in the documents. this could be extracted post hoc with a dedicated service if the information is available inside the document.


When are these notifications valuable to users:

  • draft agendapoints

  • planned agendapoints?

  • published agendapoints? (these can no longer be changed...)

Legal rules in play? Should they be allowed to schedule an agendapoint with a measure that still has notifications attached?

How will GN be notified: several options, each with it's own pro/cons.

Last updated