app-gelinkt-notuleren 2.13.0

Release information

Release notes:

Release notes frontend: and

Release notes editor:,,, and

Note the release notes include "deleting a meeting", but only the backend work is included here and not the required frontend changes

Executive summary

The editor was upgraded to 0.59.1 along with most plugins. This release implements the updated design and several improvements in the editor. Notably the editor now has a loading state where a user can't interact with it until all plugins have finished loading. Some small fixes in the meeting flow are included in this release:

  • added validation to meeting end date/time

  • made attachments pill clickable and go to the uploading part of the behandeling

Deploy guide

  1. set up the maintenance frontend in docker-compose.override.yml

  2. optional: create a backup of the database with /data/useful-scripts/ ${name-of-container}

  3. bring down everything with docker-compose down

  4. bring up just the maintenance frontend with docker-compose up -d editor

  5. git fetch && git checkout v2.13.0)

  6. Production only: make sure to bump the version of controle-editor to the correct frontend version (2.25.1)

  7. remove (comment out) maintenance frontend from docker-compose.override.yml

  8. start the stack docker-compose up -d

  9. verify it's up


Last updated