Findings User Testing

Interviews conducted March 2022

User Test interviews with municipality Lanaken, municipality Linkebeek, province Limburg, municipality Essen

Note 1 - copying multiple articles

Copying multiple articles at once can result in a hefty workload. >> Would it be possible to let the GN application recognize articles autonomous? E.g. based on a predefined rule: All new sentences that start with 'Article X' > New article.

Note on copy/past in GN: Historically a won't fix: the editor is not intended to copy/paste edited text from other applications. One cannot foresee support for all applications / type of documents. Copy/paste via "kladblok" has been the preference.

Note 2 - secret session

Make it more obvious on how to create a secret session (Geheime zitting) - We encountered some user doubt to use the feature. Instead they used the common notes to mention the session. >> Optimize user experience GN-3365

Note 3 - chairman

The user with municipality Lanaken could not indicate the chairman. Seems to be a bug of some kind. >> Please check this feature


Note 4 - text between two articles

It is not possible to insert text between two articles. In some cases this is useful. Some users ask for this feature. >> Could we discuss this matter, please?


Note 5 - copy/paste

We noticed some issues with the copy/paste from an existing document (.pdf). When copied into our application, the whole formating was nullified and there were some illegible characters inserted. The copy/past from a .doc did not generate this issue. >> This may be due to the origin of the .pdf (scanned document converted to text?) >> Would it be possible to discuss this matter, please? NOTE: historically a won't fix: the editor is not intended to copy/paste edited text from other applications. One cannot forsee support for all applications / type of documents. Copy/paste via "kladblok" has been the preference.

Note 6 - 'Besluit'

When an article was filled out, and the text was immediately removed again (correction), the greyed out text 'Besluit' remained irremovable. When this text was saved, 'Besluit' wasn't visible anymore. Once you try to edit again, the 'Besluit' was visible again. 'Besluit' was always right behind the content of the article. >> This seems some kind of bug. Could this please be verified and corrected GN-3326 - Tested on QA > OK (Zelim Souleimanov 09/03/2022 09:48)

Note 7 - attachments

Inserting attachments went quite well with all users. However we had some users that did not know you have to open the attachment in order to actually see it. For some users the number of attachments, combined with the paperclip, was reason enough to think they could not review the attachment - They kept clicking on the paperclip, which is inert. >> UX: Could we discuss this matter, please?


Note 8 -delete text

When creating a new input, it seemed inpossible to delete text. Text could only be removed with the backspace. This was considered annoying. >> UX: Could you please check this matter? NOTE: delete function is not supported. Backspace is.

Note 9 - 'geen type'

With digitaal loket: someone mentioned 'geen type' had to removed manually on a regular basis. Second column (type dossier). >> UX: Could you please check this issue?

Note 10 - absent

When someone is absent in a meeting, his/her absence needs to be inserted for each order of business. This was considered annoying. >> UX: Would it be possible to make it possible to enter the absence once, for all points on the agenda? NOTE: Already OK, absences "starting the meeting" are reflected in "agendapoint attendees". One does not have to confirm this each time.

Note 11 - search function

>> Would it be possible to add an (advanced) search function? As is = search on date is possible, but no other search options are integrated.

This has direct impact on one of the two value streams of GN: 'GN zorgt voor doorzoekbare besluitinformatie' NOTE: not prioritised. The suggestion was -with request for more information- relativized by the end user

For the record - NL/FR Municipality Linkebeek is a faciliteitengemeente. They find it rather annoying they have two workflows: one for NL, one for FR. For obvious reasons, we don't develop the FR workflow.

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