User statistics monitoring

Reliable detailed statistics on the use of Gelinkt Notuleren and IRGN + other templates in the future.

Gelinkt Notuleren

How many active users of Gelinkt Notuleren? Does this align with publications?

How many persons use Gelinkt Notuleren within the same local authority?

Trends in the use of Gelinkt Notuleren based on monthly reports? Link with population number? Link with number of publications? Link with number of notifications?

‘Agendapunten’ and ‘besluittype’

Statistics on the use of every ‘besluittype’ (Klassiek, Modern, Aanvullend reglement, …) when creating a new ‘agendapunt’

Statistics on the creation of new ‘agendapunt’

Statistics on the cloning of ‘agendapunt’

Number of available ‘agendapunten’ at the disposal of every user?

Use of the different components of a ‘besluit’: which ones are used? Which ones are left empty? (Title/short description/argumentation/…) Ratio compared to total?


Total number use of ‘aanvullend reglement’

Number of users? Who are they?

Success ratio? Choice of ‘aanvullend reglemen’ compared to publication?

Possible dropouts in which step of the process?

Comparison to other statistics

Ratio: for a certain period (e.g. a month, three months, …) number of road sign regulations in Loket voor Lokale Besturen compared to road sign regulations which were created using IRGN


Plausible: detailed scenarios answering the above questions

Other tools?


Test statistics: april 2022

Statistics ready to publish and share with the world: may 2022

Last updated