Clone agendapoint (to test)


A user can clone an agendapoint so this can be reused.


  • All types of agendapoints can be cloned (concept, geagendeerd, gepubliceerd)

  • There is a clone button in the "bestand acties" dropdown

  • Clicking the clone button saves the current state and creates a copy.

  • The cloned agendapoint has a new title (ex. Copy of [original title])

  • RDFA is adapted when cloning so it's not a copy

  • We provide a generic error message when something goes wrong


Clone action

Cloning progress

GN-2906: Attachments - behavior on copying agendapoint

When an agenda item is cloned, the attachment(s) are an integral part of the cloned version. At present this is not the case (check flow AS IS hereunder)

(source: Considering common sense and what was heard during the user interviews)

Flow AS IS:

Keep in mind cloning an agenda item is only possible from the "Agendapunten" section, not from agenda items within the notes session's notes

1 - Open the agenda item from within the section "Agendapunten"

2 - Clone/Copy the agenda item

3 - Check the new agenda item

The cloned agenda item gets the identical name of the original agenda item, preceded by "Kopie van" At the final column, one can notice there are no attachments included, which leads to the need to add the attachment again, in order to get an identical copy/clone of the initial agenda item.

Last updated